Our Work

To learn more about each of our initiatives, click on a program or fund below.

Each of our programs and funds are designed to support students and remove barriers so they can learn and grow. We believe that every student deserves an equal opportunity to realize their well-being and success. To achieve this goal, we work directly with teachers and school staff to identify needs. Then, with the support of our donors and volunteers, we work to fulfill those needs.

Student Emergency Fund

Student Emergency Fund

Providing immediate assistance to Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board students in crisis situations.

Student Nutrition Ontario | South East

Student Nutrition Programs

Helping to ensure students have access to nutritional meals everyday so they can learn.

Food for Home


Providing our most vulnerable, and food insecure youth with nutrition in the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board.

Food For Learning

The Community Partnership Committee serving Hastings and Prince Edward counties.

Food For Thought

The Community Partnership Committee serving Lanark County.

Food Sharing Project

The Community Partnership Committee serving Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington counties.

Len and Olive Black Memorial Fund

Len & Olive Black Memorial Fund

Supporting students facing financial hardship who require assistance with course costs, and with application fees for post secondary education.