Happy Holidays!

Dear Friends, The holidays are a time of year when we plan get-togethers with family and friends, and it’s a time to think of others. I think of those who may struggle to get through the holidays, and I know the struggles may be for a variety of reasons. I believe it’s a time to be generous with our goodwill and with our support, and now more than ever. This was obvious when we held our Prom Project event. At the event we asked students for feedback on how we did in organizing Prom Project. What response did we receive most often?

“I enjoyed the staff! Very helpful and heartwarming volunteers” – “people were amazing” – “smiles on faces of the volunteers” – “very friendly and helpful people”- “looking at clothes and meeting nice people”

Meeting friendly, helpful and nice people should be a year-round experience. It shouldn’t be limited to once a year. Thank-you, and happy holidays! Maribeth deSnoo Executive Director

Every day students in our community attend school hungry for a variety of reasons. Food for Learning is able to help provide support to schools to ensure that they can offer daily breakfast, lunch and/or snack programs. Last year alone, schools in Hastings and Prince Edward counties served over 1 million meals and or snacks. Student nutrition programs in schools not only feed students, but also role model healthy eating habits, provide a sense of belonging for students at school and help them be able to focus in the classroom. When students eat better, they can learn better.
The impact of our programs is powerful:
I love Food for Learning because it makes sure I don’t starve to death.
Grade 5 Student

I love eating at school because when I am hungry I can’t learn. I know I can focus on learning when I have breakfast. Many students in our school use Food for Learning and they feel the same.
Grade 8 Student

My favourite thing about this program is how we’re all like a big family.
Grade 12 Student

I don’t always have time for breakfast, because we live far away, but I always know that there will be enough food to feed me at school.
Grade 7 Student

Your gift could provide the following:


Milk for 50 students
Healthy Meal


Healthy Meal for a student for one year


Eggs for a school for a year
The goal of Food for Home is to provide our most vulnerable, and food insecure youth with nutrition. Food for Home will provide support, in the form of a weekly $50 Grocery Gift Card, for 11 weeks. The 11 weeks includes the Summer Break, Christmas, and March Break.
Students aren’t just hungry 10 months of the year.
Retired Principal

Your donation could provide the following:
Lunch Bag


Grocery Gift Card for One Week
Backpack and supplies


Grocery Gift Card for a Month
The Good Backpack program ensures that all children have the opportunity to participate completely in their education, regardless of their family’s financial status or means. Last school year, 520 backpacks were distributed to students in Hastings and Prince Edward counties.
What do School Principals say about the Good Backpack Program?
I have many large families that live on income assistance and these children would go without if there wasn’t a Good Backpack Program in our school. The families are thrilled to receive these backpacks with school supplies inside.

This is an amazing program that is needed by many families. It helps close the equity gap in our school. These kids are able to come to school feeling proud of their new supplies and backpacks.

Your donation could provide the following:
Lunch Bag


Lunch Bag and Thermos
Backpack and supplies


Backpack and Supplies
The Student Emergency Fund provides immediate assistance to students in crisis situations. Last school year we responded to 448 requests, granting almost $60,000. Most requests continue to be for food at home, clothing and hygiene items.
What did we receive Student Emergency Fund requests for last year?
A student’s family does not have enough money to purchase adequate food, and we are concerned about them over the holidays. The student reports that he will be able to eat when they visit grandparents’ house, and that sometimes the grandparents give them leftovers but this is not enough food for the family.

Student is currently homeless and working with school to obtain housing. She literally has the clothes on her back. Requesting funds for food and clothing.

Requesting $50 to purchase indoor shoes for a student whose family is presently homeless. They’re currently living in a motel and the family does not have the funds to purchase the shoes.

Your donation could provide the following:
eye glasses


Hygiene Items


eye glasses


Application to College or University
Clothing and Footwear


Clothing and Footwear

Yes! I’d like to make a difference!

Visit our donation page to make a donation online, by mail or by phone.

More Details

View our full 2018-19 Holiday Catalogue for more details.